Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Episode 3: Seigaku Regulars Arrive

After finishing the whole series, seeing the first few episodes made me realize some things.

1) The regulars are cool. THEY ARE SO COOL I FEEL LAME SAYING IT.

But where's Kawamura? Did they drop him so that the rest can enter in this formation?

2) The seniors actually act like seniors towards freshmen and juniors. Seeing Oishi order the freshman around this time was weird. We don't see that much as the series go by.

3) Kikumaru's seriousness. And.... he..... SPEAKS IN A NORMAL VOICE!! That caught me. It was like they hadn't decided what to do with his character. At some point, about episode 8? The Kikumaru we all know become more apparent. Well, like 24/7 cheerio V V PEA HOI HOI NYA.

I love Kikumaru to bits ToT

4) Tezuka is a Shinigami. I've always known that, but I just had to say it.

5) Despite having a shit face, Arai has a nice voice.

6) Fuji's sadism starts creeping out already.

Love his face.

Kikumaru's "ah." was deep. It's so fucking strange. *yaoi-infused mind goes wild*



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